GPSauge MI6 v.2

Live tracking
(even abroad with a short interval)
2x FMS-/CAN connection
(for vehicle telemetry data, e.g., tank level, fuel consumption, use auxiliary drive, etc.)
Visual data tracker
Driven track with values such as speed, braking, cooling temperature, all easily displayed
Driving and rest periods
(Live view of the remaining driving time including the daily, weekly and double weekly regulation)
Expense report
(taking country-specific rule sets into account)
(Using specially configurable geofences)
Remote Download Speedometer
(fully automatic EU-compliant remote selection of .DDD files including archiving)
Driving license check
(electronic driving license check)
(on running time, speed, driving style analysis, logbook, operating hours, and much more)
(Tamper-proof record of a detailed logbook)
Recording of working hours
Tire pressure monitoring system
(eg: connection to the ContiPressureCheck system)